› added 2 years ago


TIL actor Scott Bakula (Quantum Leap, Star Trek) had a clause in his contract requiring that he be home for dinner by six every night, for the sake of not being an absentee father or husband.

9wPam TIL ten years after the first courses in electrical engineering were introduced at the University of Missouri, the main academic hall burned down. The cause of the fire was attributed to faulty electrical wiring
mrxy TIL that the largest earthquake to ever be recorded hit Chile in 1960, measuring M9.5. The earthquake lasted for 10 minutes with tsunamis of 8 & 10m. The fault rupture was 800km long, 1/50 of the circumference of the earth.
J1BR8 TIL During the Second Punic War, it's been suggested that upwards of 300,000 Roman soldiers were killed by Hannibal's army. At the Battle of Cannae alone, about 20% of Rome's fighting age men were killed (up to 70k), and by the end of the war, 1 in 6 of Rome's adult male population was dead.
W7gJA TIL that the two major political parties/groupings in Victorian Britain used gentlemen's social clubs as their official headquarters, complete with printing presses and mail franking, whilst horse-drawn cabs ferried MPs from the club to Parliament for votes in 8 minutes flat.
VGYQ TIL when Mel Brooks hired Orson Welles to narrate History of the World pt.1, he budgeted $5,000 a day for 5 days. Welles completed all the narration perfectly by noon on the first day, making $25,000 for 3 hours work. He said he planned to spend the money on Cuban cigars and caviar.