› added 3 years ago


TIL that if grazing animals eat too many corn lilies, their offspring are likely to be born with one eye. This is because a chemical found in the corn lily plant interrupts brain development, causing the fetus to present with cyclopia.

E1Vyx TIL: During the earliest period of Earth's existence, the Hadean Period, 4.6-4.0 billion years ago, the surface temperature was over 200°C but there were still liquid-water oceans because the atmospheric pressure was 27 times as strong as it is now, significantly raising the boiling point of water.
GAe0G TIL: There is a study that proves across 80 pairs of jeans that women pockets are generally half the size of men for the same brand. Only 40% of them can comfortably fit an iPhone X and only 10% can fit your entire hand. In comparison 100% of male jeans can fit either.
pGPQ Today I learned that Gavin Free of Youtube’s TheSlowMoGuys was the Slow Motion Cinematographer for Hot Fuzz, the Red vs. Blue Series, and Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows
rJ5y TIL that there is a factory in Japan which can run unsupervised for 30 days at a time. Robots build other robots at the rate of 50 per 24-hour shift. Such factories are called “lights out” factories because no human presence is needed. FANUC has been operating this autonomous factory since 2001.
6rNY TIL there are more slaves today than at any time in history. While American slaves in 1809 were sold for around $40,000 (inflation adjusted), a slave nowadays can be bought for just $90, making replacement more economical than providing long term care.