› added 8 years ago


TIL of Kowloon Walled City – a bygone, ungoverned Chinese city with a population density of over 3 million people per square mile

QNL56 TIL about Chen Tao, a Taiwanese UFO religion. In 1998, its leader predicted that God would appear on U.S. TV and perform miracles, but nothing happened and he later apologized and offered to be stoned or crucified. No one took up the offer.
9wPWQ TIL that 80% of Army personnel records of soldiers discharged from November 1, 1912 to January 1, 1960 were lost in a fire at the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) in 1973. No duplicate copies of these records were ever maintained, nor were microfilm copies produced.
d8d59 TIL the saying "Perfect is the enemy of good" means to go with what works well rather than trying for perfection. Sir Watson-Watt who developed radar in WW2 Britain had a “cult of the imperfect” saying "Give them the third best to go with; the second best comes too late, the best never comes.”
0YY1 TIL that Elon Musk believes that the United States is “[inarguably] the greatest country that has ever existed on Earth”, describing it as “the greatest force for good of any country that’s ever been” and believes outright that there “would not be democracy in the world if not for the United States”
yQbZX TIL of Clarence Elkins, who was wrongly imprisoned for the murder of his mother-in-law and assault of his 6-year-old niece. His wife worked hard to exonerate him and found a likely suspect who was in the same jail as him. Clarence collected a cigarette he’d used. His DNA matched.