› added 10 years ago


TIL Howard Hughes’ “The Conqueror” was filmed on a nuclear test site, causing 91 cast and crew members to develop cancer. This is thought to be responsible for the deaths of John Wayne, Susan Hayward, director Dick Powell and others. It would be Hughes’ last movie.

0oxA TIL the creators of Cards Against Humanity bought an island in Maine and named it Hawaii 2
9YbX7 TIL Baader Planetarium in Germany manufactures a filter film for safe viewing of the sun. This precision film was made in laboratories for nuclear and particle physic and its reflective property reduces intensity of sunlight by over 99.999%. The Sun appears in its real color - neutral white
e07eD TIL Remarkably, frogs actually use their eyes to help them swallow food. When the frog blinks, its eyeballs are pushed downwards creating a bulge in the roof of its mouth. This bulge squeezes the food inside the frog's mouth down the back of its throat.
b9EBQ TIL that the fiancée of the future serial killer Paul Knowles visited a Psychic medium. The Medium warned her that her fiancée was a “dangerous man”, and she needs to leave him. She called off the wedding and cut off contact with Knowles
woVv7 TIL in 2001, the Japanese emperor admitted the ancient Korean blood (Baekje royal family) in the "unbroken" imperial line of Japan, and Korean influence in the formative years (7~9th century) of Japan. In Korea it became front-page news, while in Japan most media stayed silent