› added 11 years ago


TIL that a muslim man who was shot in the days after 9/11 then forgave his attacker and fought to save the man from the death penalty. He lost that fight.

XDZX TIL that strongest predictor of the obesity rise in the US is the decline in cigarette smoking (when considering between employment, physical activity at work, food prices, the prevalence of restaurants, cigarette smoking, cigarette prices and taxes, food stamp receipt, and urbanization.)
rvGw TIL that according to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves. ― Plato, The Symposium
dbK8 TIL a former Reagan administration official brought a young Bulgarian teenager over to the states in an effort to improve his education. That teenager, fluent in four languages, disappeared after high school, adopted the identity of a slain 3-year old, and became a government agent in Oregon.
jO4M TIL Earning interest on loaned money originates from the lending of “food money” that was commonplace in Middle Eastern civilizations as early as 5000 B.C. The argument that acquired seeds and animals could “reproduce themselves” was used to justify interest.
kOZ0B TIL: Rogue waves can occur occur in the open ocean creating walls of water up to 40m high, as well as rogue troughs which can create a deep pit in the open ocean.