› added 1 year ago


TIL: Prairie dogs build their burrows with a flat orifice at one end and a mounded one at the other. During a breeze, the different surface geometries create a pressure differential via the Bernoulli effect, forcing air to flow from the flat end to the mounded end, ventilating the burrow.

4XnDo TIL that Nazi commander Walter Rauff escaped justice for the deaths of nearly 100,000 people during WWII. He was instrumental in the implementation of the Nazis' genocide by mobile gas chamber. He died in 1984 from a heart attack as a free man in Chile. His MI5 file said he never showed any remorse.
VpVG TIL the samurai’s name in the TV show Samurai Jack is never mentioned. The first people he encounters in the future call him “Jack” as a form of slang, which he adopts as his name, the name his parents gave him is unknown.
xkp5 TIL The $800 billion bailout from the US Government was actually $16 trillion.
wo807 TIL that Stitch’s Great Escape! at Disney World was originally a notoriously scary attraction called ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter, which was in turn originally going to be an Alien movie ride with an animatronic Ripley and Giger-inspired architecture.
dovj TIL as early as 3,400 years ago, ancient Danes were being buried with Egyptian-made jewelry, including beads from the same workshop as King Tut’s death mask. A researcher working on the beads believes that there might be a connection between Egyptian and ancient Nordic religion.