› added 4 years ago


TIL Veterinary doctors have an extreme suicide rate and experience psychological distress at a rate nearly double that of the general public

XE4lE TIL that President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Robert F. Kennedy (who had just announced a presidential bid) were all assassinated within less than five years of each other.
8amYZ TIL The first attempt to make an anti-Nazi film in America was Herman J Mankiewicz's "The Mad Dog of Europe" in 1933. The film floundered in early production and was ultimately never produced because no studio would risk being banned in Germany.
v1ZnD TIL about DNP,a chemical that causes rapid weight loss in humans.It was prescribed to 100,000 people in the 1930s in the US and then discontinued after 2 people used 10x the recommended dose and died.It's being studied as potential treatment for obesity,Alzheimer's,Parkinson's diseases and epilespy.
dA1K TIL Billy Joel pursued a music career when he realized he wasn’t going to graduate high school at the end of his senior year. As he recounted, “If I’m not going to Columbia University, I’m going to Columbia Records, and you don’t need a high school diploma over there.” Columbia ended up signing him.
lLgV TIL in 2012 a charity dropped off boxes in a remote African village containing Xoom tablets with no instructions. Within 4 minutes a child turned one on. Within 5 days, kids were using 47 apps per child, per day. Within 2 weeks they were singing ABC songs. Within 5 months they had hacked Android.