› added 4 years ago


TIL the schoolchildren who sang "we don't need no education" in Pink Floyd's song "Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2" (1979) initially were not paid for their efforts. They were eventually given copies of the album, and the school received a £1,000 donation.

16n7r TIL about Jakob von Washington, a distant relative of George Washington, who was born in the Netherlands, fought against Napoleon, served as a Lieutenant General in the Bavarian Army and signed a treaty with the Duke of Wellington as a representative of Bavaria at Waterloo.
4XwrR TIL The great conjunction is the time where Jupiter and Saturn meet. It coincides with winter solstice this year.
woEEP TIL: The Shanghai Marriage Market is held at the People's Park on weekends where parents of unmarried children gather and trade their children's information with other parents to find a match. It has existed since 2004 and in 2013 it cost $3.20 for an ad there and marriage brokers charge a $16 fee.
LQQpr TIL that the Grease was originally a play based on the writer's teen years in Chicago, and the male characters were toughs with Polish surnames. The toughs were made more likeable when the play went to New York and became a musical, and the Polish influence was toned down for the movie.
yQeNX TIL Mill workers in Manchester, England refused to touch slave-picked cotton during the US Civil War. Lincoln wrote a letter of thanks, and relief shipments were sent to the workers. Today, a statue of Lincoln stands in Manchester's Lincoln Square