› added 3 years ago


TIL - When sharks attack humans, they do not mistake us for seals, or other food sources. Sharks have acute senses which includes good hearing, sharp vision, minute changes in water pressure and detection of bioelectrical fields. They are curious, they bite us to see if we are a good food source.

1aKR8 TIL about Ferret-legging, where contestants shove live ferrets down their pants, and the winner is whoever can stand all the biting and scratching for the longest time. The ferrets must have all their 34 teeth and all their claws. Neither ferret nor contestant can be drugged in any way.
a7JL TIL that Tamerlane was a Turkish ruler whose tomb was discovered by Soviet archeologists in 1941. An inscription in the tomb read “Who ever opens my tomb, shall unleash an invader more terrible than I.” Two days later, the Nazis launched Operation Barbarossa and invaded the USSR.
a8EGb TIL the froghopper holds the record for highest recorded jump by an insect at 70 cm (28 in). The rough human equivalent is a 6-ft man jumping 600-ft in a single bound. When a froghopper jumps, it endures a G-force of more than 414 times its own weight, whereas, astronauts endure a G-force of 6 or 7.
J1PNl TIL Albert Einstein credited the writing of 18th century philosopher David Hume --who argued that universal time independent of an observer’s viewpoint doesn’t exist -- as key to helping him formulate his theory of special relativity.
0NgM TIL that the Oarfish is the likely source for most sea serpent tales. And although it’s a deep water species its not to uncommon to see one.