› added 4 years ago


TIL Sudan launched a new currency as a precautionary measure, following South Sudan's independence in 2011. It is estimated up to 2bn Sudanese pounds are in circulation in the new country, which has the potential to destabilise Sudan's economy

E79P TIL During the 1960 campaign, John F. Kennedy’s opponents said he had Addison’s disease. His doctors released a cleverly worded statement saying that he did not have Addison’s disease caused by tuberculosis, and the matter was dropped. He had Addison’s disease caused by a rare autoimmune disease.
wvKo TIL of the US Supreme Court decision Buck v. Bell where the Court approved the practice of forced sterilization of citizens the state deemed unfit, including the intellectually disabled, in order to to improve the human race by eliminating “defectives” from the gene pool.
9Yy1M TIL the city of Portland, Oregon got its name because of a coin flip between two of its settlers in 1843, each of whom wanted to name it after their respective hometowns. The other potential name for the city was Boston.
7rQOX TIL when Alexander the Great conquered Persia from Darius III he stole his mother. After kidnapping her, she become to devoted to Alexander, while he referred to her as “mother,” and when called on to mourn Darius III she said “I have only one son [Alexander] and he is king of all Persia.”
OoDWL TIL after taking F. Scott Fitzgerald to the bathroom and checking the size of his penis, Ernest Hemingway reassured F. Scott Fitzgerald that his penis size was normal and he should confirm by checking the nude statues at the Louvre.