› added 5 years ago


TIL about The Mad Trapper of Canada. He opened fire on policemen, fled 85 miles in -50 degree weather in 3 days, climbed a 7,000 foot mountain during a blizzard, and was finally shot dead by a WWI ace. The only sound he ever made was laughter as he killed a policeman. His identity is still unknown.

8a9rX TIL that there is an exclusive Antarctic group of scientists called the Club 300. To be a member, they would soak in a 200°F sauna, then run outside naked in -100°F temperatures. The goal is to experience a 300 degree temperature swing, and see how long they can run around the Ceremonial South Pole.
aM7M TIL There is a cruise ship named “The World” – Its residents permanently live there as it travels the globe.
yQOZV TIL that originally, the classic banker's lamp had a green shade to lessen one's eyestrain due to early incandescent lights. The green eye visor commonly worn by accountants, telegraphers, and copy editors in the late-19th and mid-20th century were worn for similar reasons.
P1x4G TIL about the Köln Concert, a 1974 piano recital by Keith Jarrett. The venue’s piano was smaller than specified, was out of tune, and had malfunctioning pedals, forcing Jarrett to improvise around its shortcomings. The concert recording is the best-selling solo jazz and best-selling piano album.
gDEA TIL male chicks of egg-laying chicken strains serve no purpose in agriculture and are killed by high speed grinders, poisonous gas, neck breaking, electrocution, or suffocation as soon as their sex is determinable.