› added 5 years ago


TIL that in 2008 the King of Norway knighted a penguin called Nils Olav III that lives at Edinburgh Zoo. The King described him as a penguin "in every way qualified to receive the honour and dignity of knighthood". He is a Brigadier and Colonel-in-Chief in the Norwegian army.

R7gNQ TIL that when helium is cooled to near absolute zero it becomes a liquid that flows against gravity.
RJDQ TIL There’s an amusement park in Vegas that lets you drive construction equipment in a giant sandbox
69ePm TIL Heath Ledger’s voice for the Joker is based on Tom Waits
e0Jjn TIL scientists have found brain tissue from AD 79 preserved as glass
rRyw0 TIL that deer are the deadliest animal in the United States.