› added 4 years ago


TIL of the "King of All Boomboxes", the JVC RC-M90, which was produced in 1981. LL Cool J and The Beastie Boys made this boombox famous by including it on their album covers. The competitive environment to obtain one is so fierce among collectors that prices are very high and there's much bickering.

Wk9ML TIL that a Colombian man died after a parasitic worm in his gut developed cancer which ultimately spread into his body
yVkVa TIL the first female mayor In the United States was a nominated as a joke and was elected over the other candidates.
KOO7Q Imagine yourself at a concert hall looking at a symphonic orchestra on stage. Have you ever noticed that high-pitched strings sit left of low-pitched strings? Going from left to right, one usually sees violins, violas, cellos and double basses. That is, one moves from high pitches on the left to low pitches on the right. Why? The orchestra’s arrangement is not a cultural oddity, like driving on the right side of the road. Rather, it is due to our own biological makeup. Higher pitches tend to be better processed by the left hemisphere of the brain, while lower pitches tend to be better processed by a similar region in the right hemisphere. This organisation is thought to have repercussions far beyond music, perhaps even helping to explain why language is mostly processed in the left hemisphere. So the part of my brain that better processes high sounds sits where the higher-pitched instruments sit: on the left. But that’s not the end of the story.
R7Xv6 TIL about John Atanasoff, who built the first digital computer, but got very little credit because his employer, Iowa State College, never filed the patent application
PYB4J TIL in 1924, the US had "Radio Silence Day" where radio broadcasts would be kept quiet for 5 minutes every hour in order to listen for radio signals from space. They didn't hear anything.