› added 4 years ago


TIL When ancient romans had something stolen from them, they would "transfer" ownership of their stolen items to a deity, so as to make the god responsible for punishing the thief

yYlJ TIL of a Malawian teenager who taught himself how to build a windmill out of junk and bring power to his village. He then went on to build a second, larger windmill to power irrigation pumps. He did this all from books he read in the library.
Wkg6L TIL that a suspected serial killer was shot dead by a sex worker when he entered her home. 4 sets of handcuffs were found on him. When police searched his car, they found a machete, axes, knives, a shovel, bleach, and garbage bags, a sledgehammer, and a bullet proof vest.
VMN70 TIL about Phocion, an Athenian statesman who was so humble and frugal that he was known simply as "The Good", was elected a record 45 times as Strategos (head of the military) and singlehandedly convinced Alexander the Great to spare Athens and focus on war with Persia instead.
4aXX TIL that Google had to change the unlock pattern to require four connecting dots instead of three because Steve Jobs insisted that if users could connect the bottom three dots of the grid to unlock their phone, it would mimic the iPhone’s patented slide-to-unlock feature
JYVOl TIL that 84% of the world’s rough diamonds and 50% of the world’s polished diamonds pass through the Belgian city of Antwerp, which houses 4 diamond exchanges and over 1700 registered diamond traders in an area of less than one square mile