› added 7 years ago


TIL of the Instructions of Shuruppag, possibly the oldest decipherable document int he world. It contains such wisdom as “You should not pass judgment when you drink beer” and “Property is something to be expanded, but nothing can equal my little ones.”

O7D7 TIL one of Nintendo’s early business ventures was setting up “love hotel” chains, a short stay themed hotel, built for couples to engage in sexual activity privately.
pYE7G TIL Cincinnati Reds owner Marge Schott was annoyed after her team swept the Oakland Athletics in 4 games in the 1990 World Series because it denied her revenue from a Game 5. She refused to pay for any post-game celebration for the team and the Reds celebrated on their own with hamburgers.
XEbeP TIL that most Korean dramas use a live-shoot format. A few episodes are made before the series airs and they continue filming afterwards. Episodes are then filmed the week they are aired. This allows for script changes to improve ratings, but causes stress for the actors.
BgQxr TIL that although it was once a common practice, among Europe's current kings, queens and heirs apparent, only Alois, Hereditary Prince of Liechtenstein married a member of a foreign dynasty, as did the abdicated Juan Carlos I of Spain.
VMAj8 TIL In 2011 Samoa skipped from being the last to first country to see the sun each day. So now they celebrate New year's first. They did it to be more inline with NZ & Australia for commercial reasons