› added 11 years ago


TIL The name “sneakers” originally referred to how quiet the rubber soles were on the ground, in contrast to noisy standard hard leather soled dress shoes. Someone wearing sneakers could “sneak up” on you

b9ppp TIL Black Mormons couldn't become priests until 1978 when their Prophet had an unprecedented revelation that the "time had come" to allow it, after which black people thanked him for his "many hours" begging God to permit it.
d8rPQ TIL that in Disney's The Sword in Stone, Arthur was voiced by three actors, leading to noticeable changes in voice between scenes — and sometimes, within the same scene. "Two [of the voice actors] were brothers, and sound somewhat similar; the third was not, and sounds distinctly different."
9YMGB TIL George Clooney once contemplated suicide while recovering from a head injury sustained from filming a thriller movie, as the pain as so great. He basically bruised his brain and couldn’t take painkillers due to a family history of addiction. He had to use therapy to get through it.
p85y8 TIL that having more lifeboats on the Titanic would not have saved more lives. In fact, taking into account the amount of time they had to launch and the amount of crew there were, it’s actually incredible that they managed to launch as many as they did.
VMDOm TIL that Vinegar Valentines Were Mean-Spirited and Insulting Cards That Came to Popularity in the Victorian Era For Sending to An Unwanted Suitor or Someone You Didn't Like