› added 9 years ago


TIL a man was writing articles and reporting about deaths of people who he actually killed. He was arrested when they found out he had more information than the police.

R4e4 TIL Germany granted Vladimir Lenin safe passage back to Russia via armored train knowing of his plans to begin the revolution and remove Russia from World War 1. Lenin succeeded and Russia was no longer a threat to the Germans. This could be one of the best military decisions ever made.
1mpW TIL of a way to go on strike without leaving work. In “work-to-rule”, employees do the minimum possible required of them, and precisely follow all safety and other regulations. Examples: Refusing overtime, nurses not answering phones, police not issuing citations, taking every legally entitled break
R7BgQ TIL that in the year 2007, at the peak of the housing bubble, four Mexican farm workers earning less than $15000/year each were somehow eligible purchasers of a $720000 home that they, in theory, had no chance of affording
O9Ba TIL Field Marshall Montgomery once made a bet with Walter Bedell Smith that is if he could capture the city of Sfax by April 1943 he would receive a B17 bomber. When Monty completed his half of the bet, Smith backed out: The matter escalated all the way to Eisenhower who ensured Monty got his B17.
RnLa TIL the Boy Scouts of America helped child molesters cover their tracks and kept records in documents known internally as “The Perversion Files”.