› added 4 years ago


TIL all mammals are capable of dreaming (REM sleep), some birds and fish are cable of this also.

4Xd0o TIL Since 1980 Quebec have restricted unhealthy food and beverage advertising for children under 13. The Heart and Stroke Foundation has advised that, as a result, Quebec households have a lower likelihood to purchase fast food and Quebec youth and children have very low rates of obesity.
m1J7P TIL that the controversy over the infamous 1927 Long Count Fight between Gene Tunney and Jack Dempsey between partially stemmed from the fact that a 1912 law had banned the transportation of boxing movies across state lines, meaning few people could see the footage of it.
7r9L7 TIL in one Simpsons episode, Homer coats his mouth in hot wax in order to eat hot peppers. Fox censors sent a note to writers, asking that he scream in pain to stop kids watching from copying him. No scream was added; instead dialogue from Ralph Wiggum questioning Homer on his action was used.
NXGr6 TIL that in 1966, 29-yr-old folk-singer Richard Fariña died in a motorcycle accident just two days after the release of his debut novel, "Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me". The book became a cult classic, and has been cited as a source of inspiration for many artists, such as The Doors.
7rgVP TIL That after winning the battle of Kleidion in 1014, the Byzantine Emperor Basil II took an estimated 14,000-15,000 prisoners, and punished them by sorting them into groups of a 100, then blinded 99 men in each one and left a single man in each with one eye so that he could lead the others home.