› added 4 years ago


TIL: The person on the 10,000-Yen banknote is Fukuzawa Yukichi, who was among the first Japanese to visit America in 1860, after the end of Japan's isolation period. He became known as one of the foremost experts on Western culture, and the college he founded, Keio University still stands today.

nGer TIL of a woman who has won the Lottery four times since 1993. She was outed as a PhD of Statistics from Standford University and had figured out the pseudo-number generator for the distribution of the winning tickets. She allegedly still spends 2 months a year playing scratchers to win again.
l0XA TIL: When Mr T. was a Military Policeman he was ordered to chop down trees by a Sergeant as a punishment. He chopped down over 70 trees in 3 ½ hours and only stopped when ordered to by a very shocked Major.
pkYZ TIL That in 1975 $10 million worth of Huey helicopters had to be pushed off the flight deck of the USS Midway and into the sea to make way for the emergency landing of an aircraft with Vietnamese evacuees on board
WL44 TIL that there is a school in Moscow whose mission is to enable Russian women to snag rich husbands. Part of the curriculum includes “strengthening and toning the muscles using special equipment — a kind of gym for the vagina.”
d8117 TIL that the oldest person alive(120) sold her apartment at the age of 90 in exchange for monthly payments of 400€ until she died. The person she sold it to died at 77. Their family still had to pay her.