› added 5 years ago


TIL humans used to sleep in two shifts. The first sleep of four hours began about two hours after dusk. It is then followed by a waking period of one or two hours where they performed some work, a hobby, relaxation, or sex. And finally, a second sleep followed that lasted until dawn.

jR5j TIL That the USA is the number one oil producing country in the world.
6oXQ TIL Ching Shih was a prostitute, captured by pirates. She then became a pirate herself, commanding a fleet of hundreds of ships and at least 20,000 pirates. She never lost a battle against the Chinese, British, and Portuguese navies before retiring rich after being pardoned.
x6bbw TIL in 2016, a suicide bomber carrying explosives in his laptop boarded Daallo Airlines, with the intention of destroying the aircraft. Twenty minutes after takeoff, the bomb detonated, resulting in a hole in the plane and the ejection of the bomber from the aircraft. he was the only casualty.
m15QE TIL that the first recorded labour strike took place in Ancient Egypt, in 1170 BCE, by tomb workers. After the grain supply was repeatedly late, workers stopped working and demanded prompt pay. Because it was the first of its kind, management did not know how to react, and largely caved to demands.
d8yZ7 TIL Chinese director Jia Zhangke has been praised as "the most important filmmaker working in the world today." Jia's status in China rose when he was allowed to direct his fourth feature film, The World, with state approval. His first short film was a documentary on tourists in Tiananmen Square