› added 2 years ago


TIL of Rondo Hatton, voted 'Most Handsome' in high school but who later developed acromegaly, a disease that grotesquely altered his facial features. Falling into depression, he was spotted by a Hollywood director and offered a film role, which Hatton then parlayed into a long career in horror films

wLBEo TIL Lapland New Forest Christmas Park featured a smoking Santa, a reindeer with a broken antler, neglected huskies, a broken ice rink, and a picture of the nativity in a muddy field. With a £30 entry fee and 2hr long queue, one of elves was assaulted by angry visitors. The park was shut after 6 days
oR4WY TIL that Chinese Food was introduced into America during the California Gold Rush, starting in 1848. As 30,000 immigrants had arrived from the Canton region of China, the restaurants gave the predominantly male population a connection to home and provided gathering places for the Chinese community.
1OZr TIL that in 2007 a strict set of rules was created limiting the food that lobbyists can offer Congressmen. Lawmakers are basically only allowed to accept food on toothpicks, or bagels and muffins.
6BNm TIL, New Rome Ohio, a small town with 60 residents and 14 police officers, raised nearly $400,000 annually from speeding tickets.
XEJXj TIL the children's book series Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark were the most challenged books from 1990 - 1999 because of the violent nature of the stories and the surreal, nightmarish illustrations contained within.