› added 6 years ago


TIL Ants are skilled farmers. Many species of ants purposely grow an edible fungus inside the nest that the ants feed upon, to ensure that the nest isn't wiped out by starvation when food is scarce.

1aNoP TIL magpie birds in Australia regularly swoop-attack cyclists and walkers who get too close to their nests. Thousands of attacks happen annually, mostly a nuisance but also causing hundreds of injuries. In 2018, a toddler sitting in a stroller was almost blinded by a magpie attacking his face.
R5nm8 TIL about a hurricane in 1926 that directly hit metro Miami at high-end Category 4 strength. It is speculated that this hurricane contributed to an early start to the Great Depression in the state and would have cost more than $200 billion if it were to occur in modern times.
dD5Z7 TIL an 1854 London cholera outbreak was curbed by a man who defied the day's medical beliefs. Dr John Snow, father of modern epidemiology, traced the outbreak to a tainted water pump. The pump handle was removed, basically ending outbreak. The theory that disease spread by "bad air" soon unraveled.
78eJL TIL there is a "healing" spring in South Carolina which is officially listed as being owned by God. Previous property owner L.P. Boylston, who died in 1944, left the property to "Almighty God" in his will so that the water would always be freely available to drink. It is now known as God's Acre.
jNEdv TIL Tetris has an official sequel. Called "Welltris", it was developed by the original creator 5 years after the creation of Tetris, retains that game's falling-block puzzle gameplay but extends the pit into three dimensions while the blocks remain two-dimensional, with the board viewed from above.