› added 4 years ago


TIL That the 'Live aid' concert in 1985 was trying to raise money for a famine in Ethiopia. However the money ended up funding Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam and his genocide regime. The money he received went to "buy sophisticated weapons from the Russians" used to crush his opposition.

1aBd8 TIL pistol deuling was an event in the 1908 Olympics, in which competitors would fire wax bullets at one another.
Lk1rm TIL Lincoln's cabinet was a team of rivals, including notable William Seward, who was initially resentful & condescending of the president. The two eventually became close personal friends, spending many nights bonding over stories, good humor, & politics, much to the dismay of other cabinet members
NkV1 TIL a simple equation called Dawes Formula is very accurate at predicting success of marriages - “frequency of lovemaking minus frequency of quarrels”. A positive difference predicts marital happiness, a negative one unhappiness.
NXQoE TIL that the word 'eclipse' comes from the Greek word meaning 'abandonment'. This stems from their belief that eclipses were a sign that the gods were angry with humans and the Sun would abandon the Earth, bringing untold misery.
oRmYE TIL: In 2019, the Michelin Guide received its first lawsuit from chef Marc Veyrat in a landmark case who suffered depression for months after his restaurant was downgraded to 2 stars. His lawyers, during the trial, used "cheddargate" which vehemently denies they used English cheese as in the guide.