› added 4 years ago


TIL, the kid's play arcade Discovery Zone merged it's assets with Leaps And Bounds in the year 1995, and also found out that Leaps and Bounds was a McDonald's subsidiary too.

e06QE TIL: The Belly Button Biodiversity Project. Scientists examined the genetic makeup of the bacterial found in the bellybuttons of 60 volunteers. One individual, who hadn't washed in several years, hosted 2 species of extremophile bacteria that typically thrive in ice caps and thermal vents.
Oodd7 TIL Robert-François Damiens, after trying to assassinate the king, was sentenced to be executed by having his skin ripped with pliers, molten lead and sulfur being poured onto his ripped skin, then dismemberment by four horses. At hearing this, Damiens replied: “Well, it's going to be a tough day.”
DQovg TIL Johnny Cash was born J.R. Cash, as his parents compromised on his name. His mom wanted John, his dad wanted Ray. When he joined the Air Force, they wouldn't let him use just initials, so he adopted the name John R. Cash. He used "Johnny Cash" after being signed to Sun Records.
JYBmj TIL that 98% of the marine fish found in the aquarium hobby cannot be bred on a commercial scale in captivity; they are instead stunned using cyanide poison to enable capture, a process which not only kills many of the fish caught this way, but also destroys a square yard of the worlds ailing reefs
5YDQB TIL: Due to a deadline to file a patent, Nike founder Phil Knight chose the brand's name hastily and reluctantly only after it being suggested the same day.