› added 5 years ago


TIL of Benjamin Ferencz. A Transylvanian-born 99 year old lawyer who was chief prosecutor in the Einzatzgruppen trial in Nuremberg. In 2016 he donated $1m to the Washington Holocaust Museum. Not only does he still continue to work to this day, but he does 125 push ups every morning

kJak5 TIL about the Massacre of the Latins, which occurred in Constantinople in 1182. The massacre was a result of the presence of Western merchants, particularly Italians, and various other factors. The Orthodox population killed tens of thousands of Catholics, with 4,000 survivors being sold as slaves.
epZl5 TIL that Nauru, the third smallest country in the world (8sq miles) had a 10 year civil war in 1878 that saw the island's population fall from ~1500 to >1000, sparked by the introduction of firearms. It eventually ended when the German Empire intervened and confiscated >700 rifles.
X6VD TIL that the script for Gladiator 2 had Russel Crowe’s Maximus meddling with Roman gods in the afterlife, being reincarnated, defending early Christians,ultimately living forever, leading tanks in the second world war and even mucking around in the modern-day Pentagon..(but, it was rejected)
yQVJ8 TIL that judges deliver significantly harsher verdicts when they’re hungry
awYNL TIL that while orbiting comet 67P/Churyumov Gerasimenko, the Rosetta probe observed landslides, collapsing cliffs, as well as boulders tens of meters in size being thrown over 100 meters by violent geological activity.