› added 2 years ago


TIL that the term "Superhero" is jointly trademarked by both DC and Marvel, and any company wishing to use any variation of the term needs to get permission from both companies

l7eJB TIL Cleopatra wasn’t just alluring; she was crafty too. So the myth goes, she made a grand entrance to impress Julius Caesar by having herself rolled up in a carpet and delivered to his quarters. When the carpet was unrolled, out she came, nude and irresistible.
x6leg TIL: The Battle of Karansebes of 1788 was a friendly fire incident where the Austrian army got drunk with locals, and during a drunken fight, shots were fired, resulting in a panic that caused 150 deaths, 1200 wounds, 538 men went missing, and 3 cannons and a chest containing payroll was stolen.
wBy8 TIL A customer was gifted overgenerous contract terms due to a misplaced comma in a contract with aerospace giant Lockheed Martin. The erroneous comma radically altered the inflation-adjustment formula resulting in $70 million loss to Lockheed Martin.
neGD7 TIL about an octopus named Otto who caused a power outage by shooting water at the 2000 watt spotlight over his tank which was seemingly annoying him. Otto is an interesting octopus who has also been caught juggling hermit crabs, throwing rocks at the glass and re-arranging the contents of his tank
Yp8Nx TIL Pluto was discovered in 1930. It takes around 248 years to complete one orbit around the sun. Since its discovery it still has not even made one complete orbit.