› added 1 month ago


TIL in 1896, New York passed the Raines law to reduce Sunday drinking. The law had a loophole that allowed bars to serve alcohol only with a meal. To circumvent this, staff added a sandwich to every drink order, then took it away and served it to the next customer. The sandwich often lasted all day.

ADB9o TIL that today, August 22, is the feast day of St. Guinefort, the Dog Venerated as a Saint
OGoZe TIL almost half a million US households lack indoor plumbing
logDK TIL that Russia has 11 time zones
dZZK TIL in 2008 when Joe Walsh (iconic member of The Eagles) married Marjorie Bach, he became the brother-in-law of The Beatles’ drummer, Ringo Starr.
kJOL7 TIL That the old London Bridge is in Lake Havasu, AZ