› added 1 year ago


TIL Early Superman comics taught kids how to achieve super-strength through exercises in lifting armchairs, getting a super-grip, and achieving super-vision by glancing at distant and near objects repeatedly

p86be TIL A Harvard University study of more than 120,000 people found that potato chips were to blame for the gain of an average of 1.69 pounds per person over four years.
N7p06 TIL When Micheal Jordan signed his first professional contract it came with a unique clause allowing participation in competitive off-season pickup games. Specifically, this clause allowed for Jordan's "Love of the game" (a desire to play anywhere, anytime), regardless of potential liability.
grld8 TIL Dust jackets for hard cover books were originally only meant to protect the book from dust and damage, and were not the main focus. As time went on, they shifted from protection to decoration; however you're still supposed to take them off while reading.
Yp6O7 TIL you should never wash a cast iron pan with soap because it can strip off the oil you've baked and cooked into the dish. Also, when you first get a cast iron, you need to "season" it by baking oil into it and each time you use it, the layers of oil and flavor will build.
MGlV TIL a family-friendly game developer went into a depression after people repeteadely criticized his game character for looking like ‘a scary animatronic’. He overcame depression, was inspired to make a horror game, and went on to create 'Five Nights at Freddy’s’.