› added 2 months ago


TIL that King Henry VIII was buried next to Jane Seymour; she was his third wife and the mother of his only son. His only son was King Edward VI, and King Edward VI died before having any children.

A1Kg TIL in 1994 a man named Tony Cicoria was struck by lightening while standing next to a public telephone, and resuscitated by a nurse who was waiting to use the phone. Not long after recovery he said his head became flooded with music. He bought a piano and is now a successful composer and performer.
VMa0G TIL in 2008, researchers at Toronto Western Hospital were conducting experimental deep brain stimulation for obesity treatment & discovered that it caused vivid memory flashbacks, which led to their method being used in a Phase 3 trial for Alzheimer's disease
vKar TIL in 1877, Jimmy, a monkey, was charged with assault after he bit the finger of Mary Shea, in New York. On hearing the case the judge said he could not legally commit a monkey. Jimmy then respectfully removed his velvet hat, climbed atop the judge’s desk and attempted to shake his hand.
X51E TIL In 1982 Nintendo was sued by Universal for copyright infringement of the King Kong name and plot, but Nintendo won when it was found that in 1975 Universal successfully sued RKO Pictures for the decision that King Kong be deemed Public Domain.
4j86 TIL: the US had slow average internet speed compared to the rest of the world due to (2) main things: (1) the expense of replacing old wire technologies and (2) their is no law yet stating that ISPs have to update their wiring