› added 5 months ago


TIL that for decades, radiotherapy patients had reported phenomena such as "flashes of bright or blue light" when receiving radiation for brain cancer. This was confirmed to be Cherenkov light being generated in the fluids of the eye by researchers in 2019.

wLXo7 TIL Mark Ruffalo was set to appear in the movie Signs, but had to drop out when he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. His part went to Joaquin Phoenix. The brain tumor turned out to be benign. Following surgery, he suffered from a partial facial paralysis for a few weeks, eventually fully recovering.
ep0wk TIL that in December 1868, the first traffic light in the world was installed in London outside the British Parliament of Westminster.
PYmVw TIL about the Irukandji jellyfish, a small and venomous jellyfish, that lives off the Australian coast. A sting, which initially feels like a mosquito bite, escalates to "Irukandji Syndrome", causing pain, cramping, headaches, vomiting, anxiety, and an impending sense of doom.
OolMX TIL a local folk remedy in Boho, Ireland was to place soil from the local church under a pillow while you slept to cure infections. In 2018 a microbiologist found the churchyard's soil contains a previously unknown strain of streptomyces which can be used to create antibiotics
kLQm TIL In 1932, a football player for Mesa High School was accidentally killed by a shotgun blast to the chest. As he neared death he said, “Tell coach and the boys to carry on.” Students began repeating the theme “Carry On” to one another, eventually becoming the school’s official motto.