› added 7 months ago


TIL when the mistress of Roman Emperor Commodus found her name on a list of people Commodus wanted executed, she and a few others tried to poison him, but Commodus vomited it up, so they had his wrestling partner, who trained him for his gladiator appearances, strangle him while he was in the bath.

yQblX TIL NBA Player Jusuf Nurkic was discovered when a sports agent read a newspaper article about his 7ft/400lb father. The article stated that "Bosnian policeman, Hariz Nurkic has beaten 14 people in a fight." The sports agent found the father asked him if he had a son. Jusuf was only 14yrs old.
XnYR TIL in 2007, the Israeli Ambassador to El Salvador was recalled after being found outside the Israeli Embassy drunk, hands tied, and wearing only bondage gear. The police only discovered his identity after removing the ball gag from his mouth.
Z8Dxp TIL about Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web. Had he remained the sole owner of his creation, he could have easily become the world’s first trillionaire. However, Berners-Lee graciously decided to hand over the Web to the world, no strings attached.
pLnp TIL the CIA backed the genocide of communists in Indonesia that killed approximately 500,000 people and the leader of which became the president of the UN General Assembly.
vj88 TIL there was a traffic jam so bad that it lasted for 10 days with some people being stuck for up to 5 days. It was so bad a mini economy formed along the road to provide services to the stuck drivers.