› added 6 years ago


TIL about a man named Wally Wallington, a retired construction worker, who has figured out a way for a single person to manipulate monoliths using only wooden levers, pebbles, and counterweights, and who may have solved the mystery of Stonehenge.

78PmP TIL that according to former employees, the painter Thomas Kinkade, known for his enormously popular prints and hundreds of licensed galleries, once urinated on a statue of Winnie the Pooh at Disneyland, and repeatedly shouted "codpiece" at a Las Vegas magic show until his mother calmed him down.
7rJeP TIL the space shuttle Challenger was not originally intended to actually go to space, but was an airframe made to be submitted to (non-destructive) structural tests. After that it was decided to make it into a flying Shuttle. It lasted only 9 missions before exploding.
477b TIL that a shortage of sand has created a Sand Mafia in India, employing 35 million people and generating $126bn annually.
Q6Nk TIL Christmas tradition dictates that a man is allowed to kiss any woman standing underneath mistletoe and that bad luck will befall any woman who refuses the kiss. With each kiss a berry is to be plucked from the mistletoe and the kissing must stop after all the berries have been removed.
wLpj6 TIL about Stank Baker, a man who had been booked to fly on the 1931 Avro Ten Southern Cloud disappearance only to cancel his flight and travel by train instead which saved his life. Because of this, he gained a fear of flying which became justified when he was killed by another flight 19 years later