› added 6 years ago


TIL that in 1948 a man became fatally stuck underneath his tractor, and used his pocketknife to scratch the words "In case I die in this mess, I leave all to the wife. Cecil Geo Harris" into the fender. His scratching constituted a valid will.

Z8vZG TIL Orange peels are rich in several nutrients, including fiber, vitamin C, and plant compounds like polyphenols. In fact, just 1 tbsp (6g) of orange peel provides 14% of the Daily Value of vitamin C — nearly 3 times more than the inner fruit. The same serving also packs about 4x more fiber
lbbK TIL there is an organization that promotes the idea that architects should consult with children of the communities during the design of public playgrounds. In some case studies, children even take an part in the hands-on modeling.
4kpla TIL British outrage at the sentencing of a white Kenyan settler to just two years' imprisonment for the 1923 killing of a black employee eventually led to the replacement of the colony's legal code.
l71vV TIL an eggcorn is the alteration of a phrase through the mishearing or reinterpretation of one or more of its elements, creating a new phrase having a different meaning from the original but which still makes sense and is plausible when used in the same context.
WkZ0o TIL that, in 2009, the National Academy of Sciences found only DNA analysis could rigorously and consistently match evidence to a single person/source with high confidence. Other methods, especially pattern matching (fingerprints, handwriting, bite marks, footprints, hair, fibers, etc.), could not.