› added 4 years ago


TIL that the man responsible for inventing leaded gasoline, Thomas Midgley Jr, was also accredited for the introduction of the ozone depleting refrigerant Freon. Later in life, Midgley contracted Polio and subsequently died when he was strangled by the very device he designed to get him out of bed.

ZpPVQ TIL that contrary to popular belief, the Mesopotamian god Dagon has nothing to do with fish or the sea, and the portrayal of him as a fish god based entirely on the medieval belief that his name was derived from the Hebrew word for fish, "dāg", which was debunked in the 1920s
5YwYn TIL that manatees, kangaroos, and elephants are polyphyodonts, meaning they regrow their teeth every few months, unlike most mammals that have only two sets for life.
RyKl TIL that the traditional way to pronounce Julius Caesar, is (yewl-yoos kay-i-sarr), showing where the imperial titles of Russian ‘Czar/Tsar’ or 'Kaiser’, in German, had their origins in Classical Latin and more than 2000 years as a legacy to Caesar’s family name.
GAnr1 TIL Leonardo's painting, Mona Lisa, is one of the most important art objects on Earth, but it's not insured.
kJedd TIL that record producer Paul A. Rothchild, who produced the Doors' first five albums, left during the production of their 1971 album "L.A. Woman" after disliking "Love Her Madly,” calling it “cocktail music.” This gave the band total freedom, and today, the album is hailed as one of their greatest.