› added 5 years ago


TIL "The Legend of Zelda" was not supposed to be the name of the series. It was intended to be called; "The Hyrule Fantasy", with The Legend of Zelda being the first games subtitle. When ported to the west, "The Hyrule Fantasy" was dropped, which inspired Nintendo to use Zelda as the franchise name.

E1X4V TIL that an almost entirely white animal might not be an albino but leucistic, which is a very different condition. Albinoism means a lack of melanin and results in pink eyes, whereas leucism is only a partial loss of pigment and the animal has normal eyes.
j6P8Q TIL there is bacteria that grows in the wet soil of Australia’s Northern Territory that in one case infected someone but lay dormant for 62 years before activating! Known as ‘Darwin’s Disease” it enters the body through cuts or inhalation and is fatal.
lw0a TIL Brian May’s dad helped him build his famous guitar, but was upset when Brian abandoned his PhD program to join Queen. Brian went on to write “We Will Rock You”, “Fat Bottomed Girls"—and eventually "A Survey of Radial Velocities in the Zodiacal Dust Cloud”, the thesis he finished 36 years later.
5V1wQ TIL that William Adams, known as Miura Anjin in Japanese and the first Englishman to reach Japan, served as a key advisor in Shogunate during his stay in Japan from 1600 to 1620. He helped boost foreign trade and ship manufacturing in Japan.
pYYRb TIL that, as of a couple of days ago, Queen Elizabeth II is the second longest-reigning monarch in known history