› added 6 years ago


TIL researchers in Scotland conducted a study on the effects of music on dogs’ behavior. They played a variety of music to dogs and assessed physiological and behavioral changes. The dogs responded most positively when they were played reggae and soft rock over other genres of music.

WQxY TIL - Gummy Bears protect stomach lining from alcohol and reduce stomach ulcer size by 50%.
QDE6 TIL that in Billy Madison, Adam Sandler really hit the children hard during the dodgeball scene. The quick cuts weren’t to make it look like he was throwing hard, it was because the children were crying afterwards. Sandler’s pitch for the idea? “Hurting kids is funny.”
oR75r TIL in 1731, Prince Frederick, the heir to British throne, pseudonymously wrote a comedic play and had it staged at the Drury Lane Theatre. It was so bad, the theatre owner had soldiers stationed in the audience to maintain order and provided refunds at the end of the night.
Z9AR TIL that in 2005, some 1,500 sheep jumped off a cliff, in Turkey. Only the first 450 or so were killed, as the remaining animals’ falls were cushioned by the dead bodies below. More recently 50 sheep on their way to slaughter and jumped to their deaths in an unexplained and unprovoked mass suicide.
a56J TIL that it is a very common misconception that the poinsettia is poisonous. The rumor started when a 3yo’s death was falsely blamed on poinsettia, and it has been passed on that poinsettias are poisonous for about 100 years.