› added 3 years ago


TIL that Canadian Senators have a mandatory retirement age of 75.

nej79 TIL of the Orgone Accumulator, a device sold in the 1950s to allow a person sitting inside to attract orgone, a massless 'healing energy'. The FDA noted that one purchaser, a college professor, knew it was "phony" but found it "helpful because his wife sat quietly in it for four hours every day."
rRjbe TIL Stephen Stills of Crosby, Stills and Nash auditioned to be a member of The Monkees, and when they turned him down he recommended his friend Peter Tork.
QJRQd TIL the murderer of Adolph Coors III (heir to Coors Brewing Co) spent only 19 years in prison despite being an escapee from prison for a previous murder at the time he killed Alfred and despite maintaining his innocence. He committed suicide at age 80.
D1App There is an increasing trend of women opting for a C-Section during childbirth, especially in the western world. This has led to more babies being born that have larger heads (the main reason why a C-Section is required during delivery). However, women’s birth canals haven’t adapted to this change leading to more C-Sections and hence more big headed babies being born. It’s a cycle that has repeatedly been in motion since the rise of C-sections in the US since the 1950s and 60s.
bpEp TIL Lisa Lampanеlli promisеd to donatе $1,000 dollars to Gay Mеn’s Hеalth Crisis for еvеry mеmеbеr of Wеstboro Baptist Church that protеstеd hеr show on May 20, 2011 in Kansas. 44 protеstеrs showеd up, shе roundеd it up to $50,000