› added 3 years ago


TIL in June 2020, 20-year-old student Alexander Kearns committed suicide after the interface of the trading app Robinhood lead him to believe he owed $730,000, that he didn't, with the note, "How was a 20-year-old with no income able to get assigned almost a million dollars' worth of leverage?"

Ypnxd TIL that even though almost all planes were grounded during 9/11, there was one non military plane flying after the FAA ordered all planes to land. This one plane was carrying snake anti venom to Florida to save a snake handler’s life after he had gotten bit by a Taipan snake
GY1gQ TIL that the word “God” is not used once in the United States Constitution or in any of its Amendments.
Wkj0d TIL about SS Baychimo, a Swedish built 1,322 ton cargo steam-ship that was left abandoned by its crew in 1931 due to fear of sinking. Surprisingly, Baychimo did not sink, but instead drifted around as a ghost ship for nearly 40 years without a crew, she was last seen in 1969.
m10By TIL of sawstop technology: It's patented by a single manufracturer who doesn't license its use to anyone else in the industry. For years, it was the only patent able to prevent table saw accidents and tried to use their patent rights to prevent making any similar safety system, with partial success
QP76 TIL that throughout the 20th century, boys were preferred over girls as babysitters because 1) Teenage girls were dismissed as flighty and self-absorbed; and 2) young boys needed male role models.