› added 3 years ago


TIL in terms of long distance running, there is no animal that can outrun a human

D1GaD TIL in 2014 a man from Oklahoma City killed his stepfather with an "atomic wedgie" - he stretched his stepdad's waistband over his head and around the neck, leaving ligature marks around his neck and blood splatter in several spots in the room.
N99J TIL: The Cuckoo Bumblebee has lost the ability to collect pollen and to rear their brood. Once a female has infiltrated a host colony, she will kill/subdue the queen of that colony and forcibly “enslave” the workers of that colony to feed her and her developing young.
PYnlG TIL the Bramble Cay Melomys is among the first mammals to disappear because of failure to adapt in the modern era. Some time between 2009 and 2014 the last of this species died, probably drowning in a storm surge on an island off the coast of Australia where it had thrived for thousands of years.
E1XY7 TIL Henry Hans Ernst Marwede, German pilot who fought against the Allies during WW1, was decorated with the Iron Cross, could not accept the rise of Nazism and went to France, avoided internment by joining the Foreign Legion, and sided with the Allies in WW2.
D195e TIL A French Embassy worker engaged in a nearly 2 decades-long relationship with a Chinese individual he thought was a female, committing espionage to secure her and their supposed child's freedom from China. The true sex--male--of the French men's lover was not revealed until their arrest.