› added 2 years ago


TIL the Tuatara is neither lizard nor snake, but it's own distinct order that dates back 250,000,000 years, making them a "living dinosaur." They have a highly developed Parietal Eye on top of their head, connected to the brain, that allows them to sense differences in lights and shadows.

waW8 TIL that in 2007, just before Australia’s federal election, it was revealed former PM Kevin Rudd had attended a New York strip club while serving in parliament, but a poll released shortly after showed that Rudd’s approval rating had INCREASED since the revelations. He went on to win the election.
7XXp TIL In Greek mythology, the cornucopia is an enchanted severed goat’s horn, created by Zeus as a baby to produce a never-ending supply of whatever the owner desires.
Ov5X TIL at three years old, Nicole Richie was given to Lionel Richie by her parents as they couldn’t financially afford to take care of her. They trusted that he could provide for her throughout her life. Richie legally adopted her when she was nine.
bxnj TIL more than two dozen animals, including sheep and goats, perished from dehydration and exhaustion during a hiatus in the production of “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, but the film still received the disclaimer “No animals harmed during the making.”
Z8DLG TIL a school suspended 9-year-old boy for pretending to be Bilbo Baggins. He brought a toy ring and told a classmate that he would make him disappear. They considered the child's action to be a threat, under the premise that no threat would be tolerated, whether real or imagined