› added 5 years ago


TIL That the film "The Killing Fields" cast a real life survivor of the Cambodian Genocide. Hang S. Ngor survived three terms in Cambodian Prison camp by eating insects. He went on to win an Academy Award for supporting actor. His fate ended by being murdered my an LA street gang in 1996.

AD6vn TIL In 1608, English writer Thomas Coryat wrote a book detailing his five months’ travel through Europe in which he described, among other things, use of the table fork as an eating utensil. He also introduced “umbrella” into English after noticing Italians shielding themselves from the sun.
BMgD TIL instead of receiving a diploma, Stephen Colbert received a yellow piece of notebook paper asking him to see the Dean after graduation because he had not completed a required class.
ywkv TIL unlike in Cool Runnings, the Olympic bobsledding community welcomed the first Jamaican team; and offered them guidance and spare sleds. They went on to crash in the Qualifying Round.
6EEY8 TIL that Wensleydale cheese sales were so low in the 1990s, that production might have ceased, until Wallace & Gromit saved the cheese. Creator Nick Park only choose the cheese because of it’s name, and accidentally saved the company.
KOjZw TIL in Canada, the manufacture and sale of margarine was forbidden by an Act of Parliament in 1886. A lengthy conflict persisted between farmers and consumers, so that margarine did not become permanently legal until 1948, when Parliament referred the issue to the Supreme Court