› added 5 years ago


TIL Obsidian Blades are so sharp that they can cut cells and DNA. They are used are used in modern medicine because the sharp blades create incisions which heal faster.

VB0 TIL in the 1931 movie, Frankenstein, the line “Now I know what it feels like to be God!” following “It’s alive! It’s alive!” was censored by audio of a clap of thunder because it was considered blasphemous and was only just restored in 1999, nearly 70 years later.
GLkG TIL John Matuszak known as Sloth from “The Goonies” was a #1 Overall Pick in the NFL Draft and won 2 Super Bowls with the Oakland Raiders.
vPPlB TIL of Brucellosis, a disease that spreads by eating or even just inhaling bacteria from infected animals or unpasteurized dairy products. It has many symptoms, from joint pain to liver damage to depression, and was the first disease ever weaponized by the United States for bio-warfare.
R7Qml TIL 140 million years ago, India was part of an immense supercontinent called Gondwana, in the Southern Hemisphere. About 80 million years ago, it accelerated its drift to Eurasia at about 15cm per year — about twice as fast as the fastest modern tectonic drift. The impact created the Himalayas.
yBBv TIL Robert Todd Lincoln was present, or near, 3 different presidential assassinations which prompted him to refuse a later presidential invitation with the comment “No, I’m not going, and they’d better not ask me, because there is a certain fatality about presidential functions when I am present.”