› added 6 years ago


TIL Harry Glicken's was devastated when his mentor David Johnson died during the eruption of Mt St Helens in 1980. Glicken met the same fate 11 year's later during the eruption of Mt Unzen in Japan. Glicken and Johnson are the only American volcanologists to have died in volcanic eruptions.

d8Z5E TIL that modern computing can be traced back to fabric making on looms in the early 1800's. Punchcards were used to programmatically weave patterns. Named after their founder, Jacquard Loom cards helped inspire Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine and early IBM computing.
KOyZa TIL about Hamish McHamish a ginger cat who lived in a town in Scotland. He rose to fame after a book entitled Hamish McHamish of St Andrews: Cool Cat About Town was published. On 5 April 2014 a bronze statue of Hamish was unveiled in Hamish"s honor.
Ypvav TIL that coastal rubber boas are native to southwestern Canada and the northwestern US. They are considered the most docile of boa species and are often used to help people overcome their fear of snakes. There are no reports of rubber boas ever biting a human under any circumstance.
7r4Z7 TIL the most powerful volcanic eruption in the last 7,000 years, on the Indonesian island of Lombok, led to a global mini-ice age that contributed to the disappearance of the Greenland Vikings
rRQEx TIL 'Procrustes analysis' is a form of shape analysis. The name 'Procrustes' refers to a bandit from Greek mythology who made his victims fit his bed. If they were short, he would stretch their limbs. If they were too tall, he would cut their limbs off.