› added 11 years ago


TIL that New York City’s Flatiron building used to cause enough of downdraught to lift the skirts of women passing by, giving a “daring” view of their ankles and legs. The phenomenon was notorious and resulted in groups of young men regularly gathering on 23rd street to watch.

OopoX TIL Ordering and eating food in courses is called Russian service or Service a la Russe. As it was introduced to France in 1810 by the Russian ambassador. Prior to this 'French service' was the norm in most countries with all food being placed on the table and diners serving themselves
nep1P TIL that the term "teetotaler" came from the abbreviation "T.A.", for Total Abstinence. This was written on pledge cards in temperance societies, proclaiming that you were abstaining from alcohol rather than just drinking in moderation.
eLpk TIL That Bayer’s testing group rejected Aspirin for clinical trials because of its potential to “weaken the heart” and instead decided to pursue developing heroin.
yVrp8 TIL about fire classes (in the USA) which each have specific ways to extinguish them—A (ordinary combustibles), B (flammable liquids/gases), C(electrical fires), D (metals like elemental sodium in water), and K (lipids/fats like kitchen fires).
d8ek8 TIL about The Mad Trapper of Canada. He opened fire on policemen, fled 85 miles in -50 degree weather in 3 days, climbed a 7,000 foot mountain during a blizzard, and was finally shot dead by a WWI ace. The only sound he ever made was laughter as he killed a policeman. His identity is still unknown.