› added 9 years ago


TIL that in the year AD 535-36 the world was struck with “extreme weather” which included no sunlight, noxious fumes and has been called the precursor to the Plague of Justinian. Its cause is unknown, it is well-documented and supported by scientific findings.

kevE TIL that critic Michael Crowley gave such a poor review of one of author Michael Crichton’s books, that Crichton made a character ‘Mick Crowley’ in his next book, who was a child molester with a small penis.
kOBaB TIL Kanye West once refused to continue performing because two members of the audience wouldn’t rise to their feet. Both fans had disabilities that made it impossible to stand.
nLKb TIL Dogfish Head creates beer recipes based upon the chemical analysis of residue found on pottery and drinking vessels from various archaeological sites. They’re called “Ancient Ales”.
yG4p TIL that a young Richard Branson had his flight to the Virgin Islands cancelled, so he chartered a private airplane. Not having enough money to do so, he picked up a small blackboard, wrote “Virgin Airlines $29” on it, sold tickets for the rest of the seats, and used that money to pay for the ride.
yVQM8 TIL in 2021 classified details of the British Army’s Challenger 2 tank were leaked online. A War Thunder player leaked details after a disagreement over the tank's in-game design. However the classified documents weren't considered "valid source material" & no changes were made to the in-game design