› added 9 years ago


TIL a veterinary medicine given to sick cattle accidentally killed 97% of three species and 99.9% of one species of South Asian vultures. Banned in 2006 in many Asian countries but this year it has been approved for use in Spain and Italy despite warnings about the risk.

XEmk8 TIL In 2004 actor Paul Walker secretly purchased a $10,000 engagement ring for a U.S. military veteran. Paul was at a jewelry store & overheard a couple talking about a ring they loved but that was too expensive. Paul quietly put the ring on his tab and walked out of the door.
l0d1 TIL that gamers, playing an online protein folding game, helped decipher the structure of an AIDS causing virus in 10 days; It had remained unsolved by scientists for 15 years. Using the same platform, gamers also helped redesign a widely used enzyme, increasing its activity by a factor of 18.
d81nQ TIL that in 1954, Warren Buffett tried to corner the market on Blue Eagle stamps. He bought almost 400,000 of them, expecting 2,500% gains from desperate collectors. The demand never materialized: he ended up selling his stamp stash at a loss in 1982. He never bought collectibles again after that.
WkP7Y TIL part of Norway and Finland's boarder was determined by surveyors who chose convenient walking paths to place border markers rather than use prominent mountain peaks. Thus the highest point in Finland is on the slope of a Norwegian mountain.
70Lb TIL that 1 / 998001 gives a complete sequence from 000 to 999 in order