› added 10 years ago


TIL that a mathematician by the name of Joseph Fourier had a belief that if he wrapped his body in a blanket, it would be beneficial to his health. His death was caused by tripping on a blanket and falling down stairs.

1rkX TIL there is a term called “zugzwang,” to describe a situation in chess where a player would prefer not moving at all when it’s his turn, because moving any piece would worsen his current position. A player who is forced to make a move in this situation is said to be “in zugzwang.”
b9ylQ TIL Tony Iommi lost the tips of his right middle- and ring-fingers in an industrial accident, leading him to down-tune the strings to ease playing and bending, thus contributing to Black Sabbath's unique, heavy metal sound
Z87Wa TIL When Simon and Garfunkel were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Art Garfunkel thanked Paul Simon for enriching his life and Simon said, “Arthur and I agree about almost nothing. But it’s true, I have enriched his life quite a bit.” After three songs, the duo left without speaking.
gMXjL TIL that sci-fi author Phillip K. Dick was once so poor he ate dog food to survive. He would go on to have an outstanding career and write a novel that formed the basis for the movie Blade Runner.
5YrMQ TIL the dartboard layout was designed by Brian Gamlin in 1896 and is organized to encourage accuracy, and is mathematically considered nearly perfect. Also Gamlin died at age 44, with no actual record of his death.