› added 8 years ago


TIL after Sports Illustrated published its “Bag It, Michael” cover story about his lackluster baseball career in 1994, Michael Jordan cut off all official communication with the magazine, even to this day

8aXLX TIL that a 14-year-old boy who went missing in Belgium in 1999, was found alive and well 20 years later. He spoke little French, and had no contacts when he vanished. It turned out that he’d ran away from home to make a new life for himself, and didn’t want to have any contact with his old family.
rJ5y TIL that there is a factory in Japan which can run unsupervised for 30 days at a time. Robots build other robots at the rate of 50 per 24-hour shift. Such factories are called “lights out” factories because no human presence is needed. FANUC has been operating this autonomous factory since 2001.
ABv7 TIL the projectile in badminton, called a shuttlecock, can be real feathers or synthetic. Real feather shuttlecocks, like those used in the Olympics, contain 16 feathers plucked from the left, and only left, wing of a goose. This ensures consistent rotation.
e0K9D TIL When a sloth's body temperature drops too low the bacteria in its gut that helps digest food stops working and it will starve to death even on a full stomach.
PY57J TIL that the reason I’ve never found Dela Soul’s older albums online (iTunes, Spotify, etc) is because their record company didn’t clear the labels appropriately. Seems to be a pattern here... at least they got paid.