› added 2 years ago


TIL that the opening and ending theme songs to "Mr Rogers Neighborhood" are never played exactly the same in any of its 900+ episodes. Each episode used the same medley for the first 8 bars, and the rest was improvised and recorded, live, by jazz piano virtuoso John Costa.

PYZKZ TIL in ancient world there was a horse breed so valued and sought after, they were the official mounts of Persian kings, Spartans treated them as treasures, and Han Chinese invaded a Greek city state for them
oBPYY TIL the reason why medicine bottles are orange or light brown is because of its ability to prevent ultraviolet light from degrading the contents through photochemical reactions, while still letting enough visible light through the bottle for the contents to be seen.
WAaY TIL light in itself isn’t special, it’s just that according to Einstein, the fastest speed reachable in the universe is 300K m/s. It just happens that light is the only thing we detected that travels without limitations in vacuum, which is why we associate the speed limit of the universe with it.
ANMWn TIL shorts were once considered taboo in America. The city of Honesdale, PA banned the wearing of shorts in 1938, "Honesdale is a modest town, not a bathing beach." In May 1959, Plattsburgh, N.Y. banned the wearing of shorts by anyone over 16. Violators received a $25 fine or 25 days in jail.
e0gaD TIL Halley's comet was depicted in the famous 11th century Bayeux Tapestry which recounts the story of Duke William the Bastard conquering England in 1066.