› added 1 month ago


TIL when a pope dies, the cardinal camerlengo confirms the death by gently tapping the pope's head thrice with a silver hammer, calling his birth name each time. He then retrieves the Ring of the Fisherman and cuts it in two. The pope's seals are defaced, and his personal apartment is sealed.

W7Z9d TIL Paul McCartney’s voice was supposed to appear on Pink Floyd’s “The Dark Side Of The Moon” but Roger Waters cut them after he realized McCartney “thought it was necessary to perform” and wasn’t giving him his genuine thoughts.
WkaBB TIL of Anton's syndrome, a disorder where people believe they can see when in fact, they are cortically blind. They can't be convinced otherwise though and will be very offended if you point their blindness out and start confabulating/making things up when asked what exactly they are seeing.
npkr TIL The goliath tigerfish is said to be a bigger and deadlier version of the piranha. It has 32 teeth that are of similar size to those of a great white shark and has been known to attack humans and even crocodiles. It has only ever been caught by a handful of fishermen due to the danger it poses.
noQY TIL there is an island off the coast of South Carolina that has thousands of free living monkeys on it
OogO7 TIL there is an island in Ethiopia where Christian Ethiopians claim to have kept the Ark of Covenant for thousands of years. It is watched over by a single man with no name known as the "Guardian" and no woman are allowed on the island for fear of "stirring the passions" of the virgins on the island